Ancient Curse




This spell is only to be used as a last resort. It is mostly used to send spirits of wrongdoers without reason whom has died, to hell.

Spell Casting

This spell was given to me by the ghost of a Witch who died in the 1400s. He gave me this spell so I could send the spirits of the ones who killed him and his wife, to hell.

Sit cross-legged on the floor with your hands resting on your knees. Invoke the god and goddess of choice, below I will enlist the deities that will work best with this spell.
Chant the following six times, if you mess up, start over.

"And the ashes fall down
doomed to be
into the ground
devils shall see
cursed is those who harm without sight
Now you are cursed to everlasting night."

Goddesses spell will work best with:
- Kali: Goddess of destruction.
- Hecate: Goddess of dark magick
- Demeter: Dark Mother
- Cerridwen: Keeper of the cauldron, death, and rebirth.
- Hel: The queen of the underworld.
- Morrigan: Warrior Goddess, associated with death.

Gods spell will work best with:
- Arawn: God the of Underworld.
- Hades: King of the underworld and death.
- Shiva: Kali's husband, the destroyer
- Letum: A monster which lives in the underworld, whose name means death.
- Were: A God who controls life and death, he strikes down wrongdoers with lightening bolts.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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