Cleansing beauty bath spell


A warm bath

A handful of rose petals

A couple of tablespoons of lavender flowers

Lavender oil

A few candles (for ambience only)
Sage or sandalwood or other clearing incense of your choice

For the facemask-

Quarter of an avocado
A couple of strawberries
1 tomatoe
Optional ingredients-
1 or 2 garlic cloves if you have spots.
Juice from half a lemon if you have aging skin


This spell will not only make you more beautiful, but it will relax you and clease you of negativity. It also includes the use of a natrual homemade face mask.

Spell Casting

Gather the avocado, strawberries and tomatoe, any of the optional ingredients and a few of the rose petals togther and blend them up using a blender or if you dont have one, mash the ingredients as best as you can into a mushy paste. while you're doing this visualise golden light going into the mixture as part of the ingredients.
This golden light is going to make you even more beautiful.

Set the mixture aside, it is going to be your facemask.

Put about seven of the rose petals aside also, then gently boil the rest of the rose petals along with the lavender flowers, then take them off the heat and set them aside also.

Burn the sage or franckincense or whatever clearing incense you have chosen in your bathroom , while focusing on clearing the space of any unwanted energies.

make yourself a warm bath, then add the lavender and rose mixture you have lightly boiled previously while using a tea strainer to catch the petals. Add a few drops of lavender oil to the bath and light the candles, then add the seven rose petals( you also put aside previously) to the water.

Makesure your facemask is nearby the bath.

Get in the bath, relax and inhale the scent, with each breath , relax your body, then ground and centre yourself.

Imagine , then, a brilliant healing white light, flowing in from the top of your head and into your whole body, flushing you of any negativity, ( really feel this light).

Then relax and take a couple of rose petals floating in the bath and rub them on your face, while saying-

"Great Venus, ( or Erzulie, or Isis, or Hathor, or Freya, whatever deity represents beauty), fill me with your grace, make me have a more beautiful face".

Then put on your facemask and relax for at least ten or more minutes.
You may then wash off your mask and get out of the bath, unless you want to stay in there a bit longer.
Remember to thank the Goddess you called upon.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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