Casting the Magick Circle


Quartz crystal
Feather of your choice
Candle of any color
Bowl of water


This should be cast before any spell you perform.

Spell Casting

Make sure you have everything inside your potential circle before you start. Point your wand to the ground and imagine a line being drawn on the ground as you move in the circle. Draw your circle so you hit the quarters in the order of north, east, south, and west. After you have drawn the circle, go to the northern part of your circle with the crystal. Chant the following:

"I call upon the Northern Clan: Element of Earth, I ask of thee lend me your protection in this working". Place the crystal there.

Go to the eastern point with your feather. "I call upon the Eastern Bard: Element of Air, I ask of thee uplift my spirits, give me grace for the task at hand". Place the feather there.

Go to the southern point with the candle. "I call upon the Southern Warrior: Element or Fire, I ask of thee praise me with your strength and courage during this time". Place the candle there.

Go to the western point with the water. "I call upon the Western Priest: Element of Water, I ask of thee renew my body, cleanse my mind for the magick I will weave". Place the water there.

Stand in the middle of the circle and hold your hands out to your sides. "I call upon the Center Fair: Spirit within and around me, I ask of thee revitalize my mind, rejuvenate my self, cleanse my soul".

Anytime you leave the circle for anything, walk through like you would walk out of a tent. Be sure to close the door behind you so not to let the magick out! Every time you open the "door," the circle gets weaker.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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