Bring Discord to One's Enemy


1 Black candle
1 Piece of paper
1 Long black thread
1 Pen
Lavender incense


This spell is cause someone to have discord and chaos in their life until they apologize to you.

Spell Casting

Whilst holding an image of your enemy in your mind write his/her name on a piece of paper then draw an inverted pentagram on it. Fold it and then tie it to the black candle then as you light it chant: "As this candle burns out so does order in your life, and as the candle burns out destruction shall enter your life.

Then chant this incantation 7 times (while visualizing your enemy getting what he/she deserves): "Tenebrus potestas, Tenebrus potestas increscere timor et elicere morbus." After you have recited the incantation visualize all that will happen to your target(make sure to include the limitations while visualizing) and how he/she must act towards you to break the spell.

Let the candle burn out or go out by itself once it does light some lavender incense to help it manifest, then carefully hide away the candle or its remains somewhere where it wont be disturbed and can only be found by you.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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