Get Absent Lover to Call/Write You


Call him oil or come to me oil
3 matches
Glass cup
Spring water
Washcloth or rag (cut a hole into the middle of the cloth)
Bible turned to psalm 40
Candle(can be white or pink)
St. Expedite candle(optional)


Hoodoo spell to call upon a lover to communicate after a fight, after being away, or at a distance emotionally.

Spell Casting

Foremost, you MUST awaken at 4 am in the morning to perform this spell. You are to perform this spell between the hours of four am and five am only. Not 5:01. It has to be on the nose. This is the symbolic hour of sunrise, and also, you are going to send out the energy to your lover that is sleeping at this time, at this hour he/she should be in deep REM sleep

Have the Bible turned to Psalm 40 before you go to sleep. Pour the spring water into the glass, three drops of either oil, and cover with the cloth. (make sure that the hole is in the middle of the glass, over the center). Make the sign of the cross and think of your lover. Say to yourself in your mind, "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (name of lover) I bid you come to me." Make three signs of the cross.

Strike a match and say, "In the name of the Father, (name of lover) I bid you come to me." and drop it into the water(into the hole of the cloth). Concentrate on your lover. His/her name. Say in your mind, In the name of the Son, (name of lover) I bid you come to me. Then strike a match and say it aloud and drop the match into the water. Continue in the name of the Son. Next, by the candlelight read the Psalm aloud either sitting or kneeling.

Do this every morning at four am and your lover will communicate by the 27th day.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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