Practice Visualization


A lot of random stuff surrounding you


This will help you visualize things when it comes time. It's simple, everyone can do it.

Spell Casting

Sit down and close your eyes.

Now start to use all your senses one at a time, putting your attention to just one of your sense at one time. Take this slow and easy, it will help.

Start by possibly reaching your hand(s) out. Find something randoly in front of you. Do you recognise the shape? Well if you do that means you are perfectly capable of visualizing it.

Go on to your sense of hearing. Listen to things, maybe a ceiling fan if you can depict it or a car driving by outside. Hear that car or fan or w/e you found a sound of... listen to the vibrations it may be giving off. The rattling it may be doing if it is old... and so on.

Keep doing this but you'll come to a hault with sight and taste. I do not suggest you close your eyes, stick your tongue and lunge for w/e is closer for you to lick, no no, don't do that. Instead use what you've done so far with the other sense like hearing, smelling and feeling to just imagine the rest. After all, if you can't figure out what is making a specific sound don't open your eyes to find out, make somehting up. What does it make you think of? An alian with 5 arms and greens leopard spotted skin?

Who knows? Just do it all without opening your eyes.
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