Garden Spell


1 qt. milk
garden seeds or plants
1/2 cup honey
2 stakes or sticks for each garden row
2 qt. container
pastel ribbon (1 for each stake)
small tree or bush branch with newly sprouted leaves & buds


This is a spell to bless and sanctify your garden.

Spell Casting

Take all the materials outside to the garden. Mix the milk and honey together and pour it into a container. Place the branch in the container and set it aside. Poke a stake in the ground at the beginning and end of each row, then sow the seeds and/or set the plants. Tie a ribbon bow around each stake, saying to the seeds & the plants in that row:



"Perfect love, I give to you. Sprout and thrive with life anew."



Pick up the container and using the branch, sprinkle the garden with milk and honey. Consecrate it saying:



"Milk and honey flow through out, Fertilize each seed and sprout. maiden, Green Man, dance & play, Twirl and laugh here everyday. Bring lush growth and green this spot Every where you skip and walk."



Water the garden thoroughly and tend to it's needs each day.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.