Wrath of Mithra


Legal documents
Plain piece of paper
Blue candle


A spell to ensure that justice is served during legal disputes.

Spell Casting

Place papers associated with your legal battle on your altar. Place a dark blue candle to the right of them. At exactly midnight light the candle. As the candle burns brightly, study the flame closely. When it is burning brightly, clearly and steadily, stare into the flame. Place your writing hand on the papers and visualize the result that is wanted. Then Say:
"Wrath Of Mithra, Hear Me! My Cause Is Right and True Influence the Powers That Judge I Ask This Boon Of You."
Walk 3 circles to the right, sit down again, lay your hand on the papers and stare into the flame. The flame will be moving. When the flame steadies again, say:
"Wrath Of Mithra, I Thank Thee For Thy Aid Against(Name Opponents)."
Extinguish the candle and turn on the lights, pour the wax that has melted onto a piece of plain paper, and fold the paper in half. When it has cooled, place it under your pillow for the night. In the morning write "Wrath Of Mithra" on it and keep it with you during the day. After the case is settled, destroy it.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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