Candle Magic


[All Candles.]


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Spell Casting

A basic Idea of the Different Candle's there colors and Meaning's.

Red(Fire): Energy, Strength, Passion, Courage, Career Goals, Fast Action, Lust, Blood of the Moon, Vibrancy, Driving Force, Love, Survival,Love, Passion, Emotion, Courage, Sex, Lust, Strength, Power, Anger, Fire, Energy.

Orange: Business Goals, Property Deals, Ambition, Career Goals, General Success, Justice, Legal Matters, Selling, Action, Attraction, Encouragement, Stimulation, Quick manifestation, Fire, Courage.

Copper: Passion, Money Goals, Professional Growth, Fertility in Business, Career Maneuvers.

Gold(God.): Wealth, God, Promote Winning, Safety and Power of the Male, Happiness, Playful Humor, The "masculine" Aspects of the Divine, the Sun, Prosperity and Abundance.

Yellow: The Sun, Intelligence, Accelerated Learning, Memory, Logical Imagination, Breaking Mental Blocks, Selling Yourself, Attraction, Charm, Confidence, Happiness, Joy, Abundance, Money, Health.

Pink: Romantic Love, Planetary Good Will, Healing of Emotions, Peace, Affection, Romance, Partnerships of Emotional Maturity, Caring, Nurturing, Honor, Love, Romance, Compassion, Femininity, Friendship, Sexual Attraction.

Green(Earth): Earth Mother, Physical Healing, Monetary Success, Abundance, Fertility, Tree and Plant Magick, Growth, Personal Goals, Fertility, Prosperity, Love, Growth, Luck, Healing, Purifying, Happiness

Blue (Water): Good Fortune, Opening Blocked Communication, Wisdom, Protection, Spiritual Inspiration, Calm, Reassurance, Gently Moving, Creativity, Success, Material/Earthly Destiny, Patience, Communication, Clarity, Wisdom

Purple: Influencing People in High Places, Third Eye, Psychic Ability, Spiritual Power, Self Assurance, Hidden Knowledge, Spirituality and Spiritual destiny, Power, Peace, Royalty, Concentration

Silver(Goddess): Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Psychometry, Intuition, Dreams, Astral Energies, Female Power, Communication, The Goddess or Lady of the Moon, Prosperity and Abundance, Clairvoyance, Astral Traveling.

Brown: Influence Friendships, Special Favors, To Dispel Sorrow, Grounding, For Growing Plants and Gardens

Black: Protection, Repelling Negativity, Binding, Shape shifting, Returning Bad Vibes, The Void, Pure Potential, Protection, Negates All Colors and Energies, Invocation. (Also.) Evil Negative Properties, Evil, Darkness, Used In Black Magic.

White: Spirituality, The Goddess, Peace, Higher Self, Purity, Virginity, a substitute for any other color, Purity and Oneness, Contains and reflects All colors, Peace, Purifying, Healing
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