Lemon Curse


1 lemon
1 black candle
9 nails
Cursing Oil
Picture of person (to be cursed)
Athame Black bowl


A popular curse that uses a lemon to cause great deals of discord.

Spell Casting

Light the candle
Cut a slit into the lemon. Place the picture of the person inside the slit.
Take one if the nails and feel your anger rise. Visualize your anger. Pierce the nail into the lemon.
Do the same for the remaining nails. With each nail your anger should rise for this person getting blacker and blacker.
When you reach the last nail, place the lemon in the bowl. Pour cursing oil onto the lemon filling the bowl until the lemon is half covered (with oil.) Let the lemon rot in this bowl on your alter. As the lemon rots, so too will the life and luck of the person

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