ESAUE Square (wish spell)


1 piece of parchment
1 candle (color based on goal)
1 altar (or whatever you work your magick upon)
Athame or other blade/needle


A powerful spell which can accomplish almost anything...

Spell Casting

The main focus here is going to be the parchment.

I use an altar facing north with a stick of incense burning at the north (type based on my goal - like cinnamon for love though as an example) a candle to the west (color dependant on goal again - black for death as an example) salt or other minerals to the south (again, it depends on the goal - gold dust works for a money spell) and water to the west (again, use materials by unstict based on goals - lavender extract could be placed in the water for health or love)

I know that runs counter to most traditions, but it works for me - set up yours how it works for you.

After setting up your work space and meditating, take the parchment and envision what your goal is with the spell. On one side draw, paint or (possibly) write in verse what it is that you want to happen. The important part is the raw emotion connected to the artistic act.

Once you are fully in the moment, you will need your blood. On the opposite side of the parchment, write the following in your own blood:






So it forms a square.

As you write, maintain constant focus on your goal. If you work with spirits, ask them fir their aid. If you pray to a deity, ask them for aid as your tradition calls for.

This is a fairly common spell, simple and effective, though I did not see it in the database.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.