Psychic Abilities




A list of the possible psychic abilities. I will be adding more onto it as I find more about psychic abilities.

Spell Casting

Telekinesis = The ability to move objects with his/her mind.

Psychokinesis = The ability to move objects without looking or being near that object.

Telepathy = The ability to read another persons mind.

Empathy = The ability to feel what others are feeling.

Hydrokinesis = The ability to control water.

Pyrokinesis = The ability to control fire.

Terrakinesis = The ability to control earth.

Aerokinesis = The ability to control wind.

Atmoskinesis = The ability to control weather.

Atmokinesis = The ability to control gravity.

Chronokinesis = The ability to control time.

Cryokinesis = The ability to control ice.

Audiokinesis = The ability to control sounds.
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