Aphrodite Glamour Spell


Love oil


A spell for temporary glamour and to clear acne from your skin - also includes a recipe for love oil.

Spell Casting

Put some Love oil on your hand and visiulize it shining and streaming bright pink light as you chant this:


"I call your beauty,
 I cal your light,
oh dear goddess Aphrodite!
Clear my skin of zits and acne,
shine your beauty and point it at me!
All of peoples eyes on me,
my beauty shines, so may it be!"



It's best if you use extra virgin olive oil for this... Put a whole rose blossom in the oil, seal it up nicely, and let te rose and oil rest in a cold dark place (not a fridge that's too cold!), for about 2 weeks. Shake the oil every day once.
When you done that, filter the oil through a clean cloth, and add these herbs to it;

-Apple peals

You can use either dried, or fresh herbs!
Again, leave it in a dark and cold place for about 2 weeks, shake it a little about once every day.
Filter it through a cloth again, and it's ready for usage!

This is called cold infusion...these oils last for about 2 months...then they get spoiled!
You can also use this oil for dressing candles but they usually don't have a strong smell so they're not good for incense!

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.