Make Someone Dream of You


Square of fabric


A spell that will make someone have dreams about you.

Spell Casting

Determine precisely what it is you want that someone to hear, or perhaps feel. Write down your wish on a piece of paper in a simple form. Make a dream pillow using a small square of fabric and a little batting. Throw in a pinch of lavender and rosemary. Put in the piece of paper last, then sew up the end. Put the dream pillow on your altar. Do an altar devotion to center yourself, then create sacred space. Center yourself, then hold your hands over the dream pillow and say the following:

'Holy Mother, Goddess Divine, I stand before your sacred shrine. This person won't listen or hear. My words tickle deafened ears. Holy Mother, Goddess Divine, send a dream to awaken their mind. Through his/her vision he/she lives the nightmare/passion/lesson he/she so freely gives. Holy Mother, Goddess Divine, send them your enchanted design. Clear out the cobwebs and tear down the walls. Carry my message up and down every hall".
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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