



How to become clairvoyant.

Spell Casting

Beginning Clairvoyance
A common mistake people make is assuming that 'seeing' involves the use of the eyes when in a closed state. Do not strain to see. You do not have to have your eyes closed to access your third eye however in the beginning it is recommend to shut out all distractions.

Finding Your Mind’s Eye
Sitting comfortably, close your eyes. Remember where you were yesterday. What does it look like? Realize that you have created a picture in your mind’s eye to recall this time
Notice where this image is projected within your body. This is your inner screen or mind’s eye.

Exploring Your Clairvoyance
Sit comfortably with your eyes closed. Notice the inner screen of your mind. Bring your attention to the space between your eyes at the center of your forehead (your third eye). Visualize your third eye expanding. Do you see anything shapes, colors, anything at all?

Do not judge yourself or expect too much of yourself. Just be aware of images of any sort that come to mind: If nothing comes don't be discouraged. Developing this skill may take some time. Know that by bringing your attention to your third eye the skill of clairvoyance has already began to awaken. Like all skills the development or rather the remembrance of it will involve persistence.

Further Exploration
Once you are feeling more confident and begin seeing images in your mind’s eye you could try this activity with a friend to test clairvoyance. Have a friend set up a room in the house. Change things about it, move things and add things. Have your friend sit in a certain position in the room. Remain in a separate room. Bring your focus to your inner sight. See the room in your mind’s eye: What do you see? Where is your friend sitting? What has moved? Record what you see and then check with your friend.

To test clairvoyance may make you feel pressured to get it right. If it does try the experience of simply seeing what is happening at your friend’s house through your third eye in your own time and then giving him/her a phone call to see how they are and what they are up to. Did you sense any of what was happening? Eventually though it may be nice to measure your success to see how far you have come i.e. test clairvoyance
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