Helping Plants Grow


Rabbit poop (& container)
Hot water


An enchanted potion to help plants grow. Found in an old spell book (updated for modern English).

Spell Casting

First, you should make sure your rabbit - and it must be your own - is well-fed with quality hay for, at minimum, seven months. Other foods, such as leafy vegetables, are fine, but not to excess. The rabbit's feces must be collected into a clean container.

Next, take a pot of water and boil it. As it boils, recite the Lord's Prayer out loud seven times. Take this boiling hot water and pour it into the container with the rabbit pellets. Mix the hot water and pellets together, then pour it all on the plants you wish to grow. Repeat this process for as many days as you will, and the plants will bloom and prosper better than any other.

Should it be used on an herb used for magic, the spell will work wonders; on an herb used for cooking, no meal will surpass what it is used in. No plant refuses to grow when given this potion.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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