Potion of Eloquence


Finely-chopped cinquefoil


A simple potion which, when consumed, brings eloquence.

Spell Casting

In an hour of Mercury (either day or night), boil water mixed with finely-chopped cinquefoil. While it boils, crush up bits of watermelon in a large container, until there are no more large chunks. When you are done, pour the boiling cinquefoil water into the container and let it sit, but do not let the hour of Mercury pass.

When it has rested for a while, pour the contents through a strainer and into a cup or jar, making sure only liquid fills it. If any watermelon seeds or bits of cinquefoil land in the cup, get another cup and pour the contents into that one through the same strainer.

When you are done pouring it, you may drink the contents. When you do, the powers of eloquence and a fine voice will be yours.


Additional Notes:

  • It is well known among practitioners of magic that cinquefoil, also called potentilla, is under Mercury and known to increase eloquence and communication skills, to the point where simply carrying it on your person allows one to receive any favor requested of them.

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