Time Manipulation Spell


Power of divination and/ or chronokinesis
Able to manipulate energy
Belief in magic


Warning: this spell is dangerous and could result in very bad, chaotic outcomes. This spell is meant to alter the course of destiny. Think of time as rivers that flow and branch off leading in many different directions. Our present is flowing through as just one droplet in the rivers of time. Destiny is the most likely course the droplet will take. We could push time on a different path but in doing so, you will create ripples, with unknown effects. Therefore it is very dangerous and only powerful diviners, fortune tellers, chronokinetics, and vala can alter time safely. Please be careful

Spell Casting

First you must get into a meditative position (I am not here to teach you how to meditate, any good witch should  know how to meditate) and feel time flowing around you, feel it waving around you, feel the speed of everything, feel how relative time is. Then concentrate on the past, what led you here, feel the future, unwritten and malleable. Now push your wants, and needs, feel emotions, see things that might come to pass. Let your essence become a part of the future. Then push your energy into it. It should work, it works for me but everyone's magic is different.

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.