Protection of The Morrigan


Protection reiki candle from crystal journey candles
Native Spirit Incense, Raven Spirit
Peacock ore, chalcopyrite.


A devotional protection spell to The Morrigan.

Spell Casting

On your altar:

Place your peacock ore away from your candle as to not wet the stone at all with any wax, as getting this stone wet is possibly dangerous. 

Place your incense within a holder and light it. I use these particular candles and incense along with work with The Morrigan as intuitively I feel they represent the goddess well.


"My Morrigan, I give to you this flame and ask for your protection. May your wings find me safe, and ever protected."

Relax now and enjoy your ritual. Allow the candle to burn down until you are comfortable with snuffing it out. Enjoy the incense, and let yourself relax.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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