Katashiro Love charm


Square sheet of white paper
Red pen
Coin of any kind
Black square of fabric (bigger than the white paper)
Olive oil
Cardamom seed powder


This charm will help attract your ideal mate for the purpose of a romantic relationship.

Spell Casting

Take the sheet of blank white paper and draw a outline of a doll in red ink. Turn the paper side ways and write the name of or description of your ideal mate. Write the name inside the outline of the paper doll. Put doll aside for now.

Take a small bowl and fill it a quarter of the way up with olive oil. Place any amount or cardamom seed powder in the bowl in threes. (3 pinches, 3 drops, 3 scoops, etc). Using a spoon of any kind stir the contents of the bowl clockwise. While stirring imagine your ideal mate being in love with you, coming up to you, and communicating with you in romance. Stir till all the Cardamom is submerged.

Take the paper doll and anoint it in threes. The head, the chest, and the groin. Place the doll facing towards you in your left hand and with your write draw a pentagram in front of the doll. While saying:

"From the north, to the south, to the east, from the west. I call upon the kami of love and change to have this doll blessed."

Take the doll and wrap in the black square of cloth and carry it around with you where ever you go. Even sleep with the doll under your pillow.

Use the coin as  a offering to the kami.

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.