Cleansing Spell TESTED


1 white candle
Something to light the candle with: Matchsticks/Lighter


This spells is used to keep the negative energies/spirits at bay. This spells does not repel them completely but simply weakens their strength for some time.

Spell Casting

Have the white candle ready.
Light it whilst envisioning a golden glow.
Move around the room with the lit candle.
Dip your fingers into the flame (DO NOT DO THIS IF UNCOMFORTABLE. Simply waft your hand over the flame) and draw a line between you and the negativity.
"I shall cleanse you from the dark negativity,
It shall dwell here no longer,
I cast a golden line through light and dark,
I breathe in the light and so will you,
Una, Due, Tres!
I cleanse thee from your impurities!"

The negativity will still be there but weaker.
Cast this regularly.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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