

Materials to make your poppet: Corn husks, twine
Small items that either belong to the individual (a hair band for instance) or something they've touched.
Their picture
Black ribbon
Small shoebox


Binding spell to bind an enemy.

Spell Casting

Start with the head of your poppet and make a ball with the husks so that it looks like a small dolls head. Use twine to tie around the neck of the poppet so that the head holds its shape. Make a small pouch at the center of the poppet, about where its chest would be, and then use that as a place to fill it with the items.

Now, tie it shut and section off the arms and legs and tie them with twine so that they hold their shape.

Attach the picture of the person to the poppets face with glue.

Take a few moments to focus on all the bad things this person has done and said to you or others. Visualize this as a gray cloud forming around the poppet. Now, pick up the black ribbon and slowly begin to wrap it around the poppet, as you do so visualize it trapping that gray cloud within the poppet so that it (and the person you made it in the image of) can bring no more harm to either yourself or others.

When you are done wrapping the poppet, and sealing the gray cloud of negativity inside, place the poppet in the box and bury it somewhere far away from your home, in a place that it will not be disturbed.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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