Reading a Palm




A Gide on how to read someone's palm

Spell Casting

Life Line

Between the thumb and pointer finger, there should be a line that curves around the thump like a C. That's your life line. If you have a double line, that means they might be a twin, or even lead a double life.

Head Line

Going up from the life line, there should be another line. That's your cleverness line. If the line is stretched across the palm, that means you are a focused, centered individual. A fork line could mean that you're good at talking to people, giving a speech, etc.

Love Line

This should be the curved line above the head and life line. It shows a generous, sensual, and loving nature. If the love line is broken, that means a tendency to be ungrateful.

Fate Line

The fate line should be going straight down the middle of your palm. An absence of one means an uneventful life. A double line means two careers

Sun Line

The sun line should be left/right of your fate line. A long, vertical sun line means a lucky life, with many blessings. If it curves to the thumb, it indicates a hard worker. A blurred line suggests a lack of focus.

I hope this guide helped you read palms.

Few Tips -
1- It is easier to read someone's palm on the hand they write with.
2- If most of these lines are short, try reading their other palm.
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