



This ancient technique to fly comes from ancient Daoist beliefs, of goodness and purity.

Spell Casting

Set out to become a better more caring person so that you are "pure". Meditate daily so you can clear your mind and a relieved of worries. Master your Chi or Ki, so you may do the next step(s)

Unblock your Chakras, and feel your Chi or life force flow better. Direct your ki energy underneath you, so that it feels like a rug. Practice Martial Arts or Yoga, to become more flexible, only then you can acheive Bukujitsi 

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.