Whirlwind Charm


1. Wand ( Wooden or Handcrafted )
2. Voice
3. Mind
4. Concentration
5. Willpower
6. Caster level.


This spell produces a whirlwind that enable the caster to damage the opponent.

Spell Casting

Incantation: 'Aeren Dn Turbo!'

( The Incantation is came from the latin word "Aer" which means "Air" and the latin "Turbo" which means "Whirlwind, Strong Circular Motion". [ Say The Incantation with Wand Movement below and follow the concentration component and the willpower component. :) ] ).

Pronounciation: 'AE-ren-den-TUR-boh!'

Hand Movement/Wand Movement: Point at the target.. then in the another hand do the curling or swaying motion. ( As a wind )

Concentration Component: Concentrate on circular motion thoughts the caster can maintain the spell as they continue to think about it.

Willpower Component: Determine the Strong of the Wind.

Effect: Produces a strong circular motion of winds that enable to damage or destroy things and to dfamage the opponent or recipient.

Caster Level: " Level 2 " or " Level 3 " *Stronger Wizard*

Side Note: That's a real spell I've used that then worked believe me....
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