

Visualization (optional)


A spell I made today to give you hyrdokinesis which means water control.

Spell Casting

What to Do:
Hold the water.
Visualize yourself controlling water making it.
into all kinds of shapes, moving it, etc.
Saying this spell 3x
After saying the spell, you can do anything with the water.



"I call on Pontus
To give me hydrokinesis
The ability to control water
I shall (hand movement) to control the water
Pontus Pontus
I call on you
To give me the ability
To control the H2O
To control the blue
After (time you want the spell to work)
So mote it be."


On hand movement, you choose your hand movement to start
controlling the water. Don't ask me your hand movement is all on your choice
The "time you want spell to work" is the time you want the spell to work obviously.
If you want it to work in 1 day then choose 1 day, 1 week choose 1 week, all on you
I cannot believe some people actually asked this
Pontus is the ancient god of the deep sea.

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.