Werewolf Pack


At least four people
Purple candle
Royal blue candle
Yellow candle for everyone except 2 people (with 6 people you'd use 4, with 9 you would use 7)
Matches or lighter
Picture for each person, depicting their future wolf form
Knife or dagger for each person
Gemstone or crystal for each person, chosen by them for the spell
Outside on full moon night


A spell to turn a group of people into werewolves. Wolf-type, NOT lycan. Read everything before beginning. The "size" part, you choose one of two lines to say whether the wolves are normal, or the size of the wolves in Twilight/direwolves.

Spell Casting

Sit in a circle outside with the future pack. The alpha should sit to the direct right of the beta. Everybody should have a candle before them. The alpha should have the purple candle, the beta the royal blue candle, and everybody else a yellow candle. Everybody should place their crystal between them and the candle, then hold the knife to the left of the candle. Place the picture to the right of the candle. Everyone lights their candles. The alpha should chant:

"The moon guides us,
So let it be.
Let us be the moon's children.
We shall be mighty wolves,
Our powerful paws, blunt claws and sharp fangs
Will strike down our prey.
And I shall lead our pack,
As the Alpha Wolf."

The beta then follows with this chant:

"We shall transform under the night,
Into great wolves,
(The size of regular wolves/As tall as a human at the shoulder)
And wild, and free.
The shift will be quick and painless,
And we can bring it on whenever we wish,
Or end it when we wish to walk in human skin.
We will have full control.
We will not kill except by our own will,
And we will run free.
We shall have our wolf senses,
strength and speed, and agility,
In both of our forms.
And we will also have colour vision in both.
Freedom will be ours!
And I will aid our alpha,
As the Beta Wolf."

The rest of the circle continues, starting with the person to the left of the beta and continuing around the circle. They all say this chant, one by one:

"I run free, I run wild,
The moon my guiding light.
We rise above man,
One with the land.
Earth, air, water and fire,
Our world, we know you well.
Drive us forward, let us be,
Beautiful wolves!
Mote it be."

Then the alpha, then the beta, then everyone else in the same order as before says this chant and then burns the picture.

"I shall resemble this wolf,
The one in this image.
My pelt will bristle with its colours.
I shall change at will, forward and back,
And rise high as the moon.
This is my will,
Mote it be!"

Once the picture is burned, each person lifts the gemstone or crystal and imagines running through forests as the wolf in the picture. When they have a clear picture, they put the crystal down and carve their name in the candle, and a pentagram below it.

When everyone is done, bow to the center of the circle. Take the knife and crystal as you leave, and leave the candles to burn down.

To initiate a new person, have them say the chant (not alpha or beta chant) over a yellow candle, then say the picture chant, burn the picture, hold the crystal, imagine the wolf form, do the carving, bow to the moon, and leave the candle to burn. Then the alpha says over the candle:

"Moon, welcome (name) to our pack.
Let them change as we change.
Let them shift as we shift.
Drive them forward, make them a werewolf."
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.