Protection Witch's Jar


Sharp and/or rusting metal objects (nails, razor blades, safety pins)
Red ribbon
Your saliva
Your nail clippings
Black wax


A witch's jar for keeping curses and hexes away.

Spell Casting

Place the sharp, metal objects in the jar while chanting:



"Nails, screws, wires, and pins;
Send it back to where from it was sent."
Pour the salt in while chanting:
"Filled up with salt, for purity;
To keep away negativity."


Put the red ribbon in while chanting:



"Into he jar goes the ribbon red;
To protect me, my house, my bed."
Spit in the jar. Then put in the nail clippings while chanting:
"Saliva and some nail clippings;
This jar shall bear all curses for me."



Seal the lid with black wax while chanting:



"Sealed with wax for further protection;
No curses need ever worry my head."
Go outside. Bury the jar far from the home. While you bury it, chant:
"Cursers must bear in mind the rule of three;
This is my will, so mote it be!"
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