A Golden Crown


Photo of the target
Gold wax or yellow colored wax
Metal bowl


They want their crown? They can have it. This is a curse inspired by HBO's Game of Thrones.

Spell Casting

Lay the photo of your target in a bowl and leave it there for now. Go ahead and melt the wax. Be sure you can pour a good amount of it without difficulty. Imagine your target in an ignorant, reckless state. They're arrogent and foolish. Imagine thier scuffles with you or them threatening you. Once you have this imagery in your head, take the hot wax and pour it onto the photo in the bowl. Now visualize them being brought down to their knees, screaming in agony with the hot molten gold burning their body. As you're doing that, you say the following out loud, or in your mind:

"You want your crown? You want to feel high and mighty? Then a crown I give you that will make even the most solid, strongest of men tremble to behold. May your familbe unfettered and burned to ashes. May your lover desert you in your darkest hour. May your friends spit at the very mention of your name.

May your ignorance be your own undoing."

Bury the wax covered photo near the target's property if possible.

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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