Send Bad Luck to another Person


13 Opals
4 Black Candles
17 Dead Leafs
2 Tablespoons Salt
Picture of person whom summoning bad luck on
6 Tsp. Sandalwood Powder
2 Tsp. Wormwood
Piece of paper with 13 written on it.


This is a somewhat easy spell. I dont know if it works but it might.

Spell Casting

  1. Arrange the dead leafs in a rectangle and put the candles in a square.
  2.  Sprinkle the candles with salt. place 11 opals around candles.
  3. Light the candles and tap the picture with the person whom putting bad luck on in the middle of candles. Mix wormwood and sandalwood powder and sprinkle on candles and picture. Place paper with 13 written on it and light it. now wave your wand over the picture and candles while reciting ten times:

"Oh bad luck come please come please,
hear my plea to come to (persons name),
make their life horrible for insert how many days, weeks months years, for bad luck."

4.    Then put rest of opals on picture and let it sit for 25 minutes. then put out flames.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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