Fairy Potion


Lots of flower petals
2 small bowls of water
2 gems or crystals
Some grass
Big container of glitter


This is a magical potion that will surely give a connection with the fairies.

Spell Casting

1. Take your first bowl of water and place it on the ground. Then create a circle of glitter around it.
2. Shake a small amount of glitter into the bowl.
3. Place your necklace on the ground around the base of the bowl.
4. Gently float as many petals as possible to cover the water in the bowl, but keep in mind to leave a small space in the centre.
5. Take your twig and gently stir your potion without sinking your petals.
6. Take one of your gems and carefully drop it into the middle of the petals.
7. Do not let any shadows hit the water n the bowl. Only sunlight. Make sure it is pure, and there is no window covering it.
8. Sprinkle a small amount of glitter on top of the petals and in the water.
9. Shred the grass finely with your fingers and put it in your 2nd bowl of water.
10. Put your remaining gem into the grassy bowl. Add glitter and float a petal on top.
11. Stir the 2nd bowl with our twig. Make sure everything is well mixed!
12. Add a small amount of what was in the 2nd bowl to the 1st bowl. Remember the gem and the petal.
13. Now place the necklace in the water of the 1st bowl. Close your eyes and say this spell 3x:

''Fairies oh fairies please grant my will
My greatest wish is to fly high with the birds
Fairies hear my plea,
I desire your graceful moves, your dainty wings
Fairies oh fairies please grant my will
I wish to be a fairy so mote it be.''

Within a few days/weeks you should begin to feel like a real fairy!

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.