

Green candle


A REAL money spell, by a REAL witch. Enjoy!

Spell Casting

On a Wednesday or Friday, cast a circle as usual and throw some salt and drops of water in the 4 corners of your area. Light a green candle, and draw a Taurus sign () on the candle, your forehead, hand, or on a piece of paper. If you do it on paper, put the candle on te paper.

Take a bite of your bread. (Toasted or regular ) then visualize about your wish coming true. After that stare at the candle and imagine you holding your ideal amount of money. Chant while imagining, "(ideal income )". State loudly what your asking for.

Take another bite of bread, and say, "Gods and Goddesses, I ask for my prayers to be answered. (Ideal amount) is what I want. Grant my wish so mote it be! "

Eat the rest of the bread, blow out the candle, and imagine your money coming to you the way you want. (Receiving from someone, losing a tooth and finding your money under your pillow, finding it on the ground, etc. ) Clean up and wash your hands or take a drink of water. But when you sweep the salt, sweep it east to west. (Right to left).
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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