Time Passes x 15


A wristwatch
Long sleeve shirt or jacket


This spell is to be used for a long class at school or work or simply when time seems to be going by terribly slow. Use this spell to temporarily speed up time as many times as you wish.

Spell Casting

Take notive of the time that the watch begins with, then make sure you have the watch on the arm that is not dominant and cover the face of the watch with the sleeve. Take your dominant hand and with one of your fingers tap the face of the watch though the sleeve 3 times.

Then say in your mind the following once:

Within the time I've held in here
I shield this watch the times not clear
Among thy time i add fifteen
Its Fifteen past the number I'd seen

Wait it out for around what feels like 3 minutes to you and tap the watch with the finger you tapped it with in the beginning another 3 times, then slowly pull your sleeve away from the watch to see the magic
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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