Demon's Wrath


A Candle (Red works better)
A drop of blood (Optional)
Candle wax (Optional)


Summons an ancestor in demon form to haunt your victims.

Spell Casting

This spell will enable a demon to haunt the person of your choice.

Take the piece of paper and pencil. Write your victim's/enemy's name on the paper. Fold the paper in half (Hamburger style) and draw a pentagram. Light the candle and place the candle on top of the paper and chant (its in wolven language): "alphan secre tahlbahn! Sy Bahn tahl fhee! Corhabal wohlve hetha (HE-TA)"

(Wolven translation): "I summon thy demon! To haunt ones fateful heart! for they have done wrong to me by choice!"

Slip the paper out from underneath the candle carefully and open the paper for one second the have the paper meet the candle flame. Then put the flame out by blowing on it. Put the candle out with your blood.

Pour candle wax on the piece of paper before burning it
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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