

a cat
a bowl of milk or water
a half moon


thi spell will allow you to communicate with your cat, and protection from bad luck is produced.

Spell Casting

on a half moon, at 11:45 p.m., place a bowl of half full with milk or water where the moonlight reflects in to it. have the cat drink a little, but make sure it is still at least a quarter full. then, turn both you and the cat so that you're looking straight into the cats eyes, and you can see the moon's reflection in them. stare at the cats eyes for 1 full minute, than chant slowly, speeding up as you go:
moon look down on us, hear our cries and answer, allow us into each other's mind, let them flow into one, offer us your protection, as we speak freely under you.
Repeat 3-10 times. it should happen by the time the full moon comes around.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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