Transform Into a Pokèmon Spell


Your voice
Clothes colored like your Pokèmon


I got this from my friend. It's supposed to turn you into any Pokèmon, whether legendary, pseudo legendary, starter, or just a common wild Pokèmon. Any (not fake) Pokèmon you choose.

Spell Casting

1. Decide carefully on what Pokèmon you want to be.
2. Dress into the clothes.
3. Stand up. You might want to do this outside where people won't think you're cray cray.
4. Count out loud to 27. That is the level you need to be in order to evolve into a Pokèmon.
5. Hop twice on your left foot.
6. Make your Pokèmon's cry. If you don't know your Pokèmon's cry, look it up on YouTube. If you are having trouble making your Pokèmon's cry, just try the best you can.
7. Scream.
8. Do the macarena. It's important. I am not kidding.
9. Enjoy being a Pokèmon! :)
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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