Death Needles


A needle
A knife
A bowl of water
A black candle


Warning: This spell will kill a person. It is very dangerous. You will either take a life with the spell or lose yours if cast. You have been warned.

Spell Casting

This spell is highly dangerous. It creates a contract with dark powers. If you use the spell and make the contract, either you must kill a person, or the dark power you have contacted is allowed to kill you painfully. If you do kill, you can be tracked down. Never attempt!

Light the candle and hold knife over the flame. Sprinkle salt around yourself. Cut yourself. Drip it into the water and add the needle. Call out to dark powers. When you find one, make a contract by saying: "I make a pact with you to imbue this needle with your power. If I place it in one's pillow, they will die when they sleep upon it. If I do not kill within 30 days, I allow you to kill me."

If they decline, they may decide to kill you off. When the contract is formed, it cannot be removed. You either kill, or you're at a dark spirit's mercy. When a person sleeps on a pillow with the Death Needle in it, they die. Your DNA is on the needle. They can find you and charge for murder. You have been warned!
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