Shapeshifting Potion


1 cup
1/2 Apple of any kind


This spell will help you transform into an animal of your choice at will. You must believe it to work. Drink the potion to have quick, painless transformations into your animal and back.

Spell Casting

Pour the water and a little sugar into the cup. Cut an apple in half, and eat one half or give that half to someone else. Pour the potion on the apple, over a sink or anything related, and eat the apple excluding the skin. Place the apple skin inside the cup. Hold the cup with your dominant (writing) hand, and say this ONCE:

"The world is brimming with many creatures great and small,
But if I had to pick just one, it would be the (animal) out of them all.
I'd love to become a(n) (animal) out of all the things I could do,
So spirits of the wilderness, please make my wish come true."

When you want to transform, just meditate on the animal, wake up and voila.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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