Summon Big Face


A pentagram on paper
A few black candles
A closet (recommended)


If you saw curtis kellys video about witchcraft you would know who big face is. He is a green demon face that you can make deals with. Use this to summon him.

Spell Casting

I you are prepared sit down on the floor and sat the candles around the pentagram with 1 in its center and chant the following: "Niss Adorian". It is enochian for come the face. After saying it 10-15 times you should feel his presence. You should hear a voice saying come to the closet and when you do you will see him and everything in the closet may dissapear and it may appear you and him are standing out in space. He will ask you to give your whole self (your soul) to him in exchange for wealth power and women/men.
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