Love Spell


2 short lengths of yarn (about 6 inches/ 25 centimetres)


To make a person love you.

Spell Casting

Take two short lengths of different coloured yarn (about six inches long each is fine). Next, lay them down, side-by-side, parallel to each other. Now, choose one of the two pieces to represent yourself and pick that piece up in your left hand. Speak the following words aloud:

Let this symbol of myself, unfettered and unjoined, represent my lonesome soul.

Now pick up the other piece of yarn with your right hand and speak the following words aloud:

Let this symbol represent the soul of (insert person's name here). May he/she yearn for me as I yearn for him/her.

Now tie the two pieces of yarn together in a loose knot and speak the following words aloud:

With this knot, tied in trust, may these souls be bound in love.

Without tightening the knot any further, gently lay the loosely tied pieces of yarn down and leave the alone for one hour...

...After an hour has passed, pick up the loosely tied pieces of yarn, and without speaking a word, firmly pull the knot tight. Now, place the knot under your bed and leave it there until the instant bond of love spell has taken effect.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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