Power of Magick




The general codex of laws to the members of the grove I am in.

Spell Casting

The Power of the Magick of the woodland realm is there for the taking, given to us by the denizens of the forest. It is the heartbeat of the earth. Take it gently or it will unleash on you back, like w whip.
The power of Magick of the mighty woodland realm shall not be used to bring harm, to injure or control others. But if the need arises, the Power of the woodland shall be used to protect your life or the lives of others.
The Power of Magick of the woodland realm is used only as need dictates.
It is unwise to accept money for use of the Power of Magick of the woodland realm, for it quickly controls its taker. Be not as those of other religions.
Use not the Power of Magick of the woodland realm for prideful gain, for such cheapens the mysteries.
Ever remember that the Power of Magick of the woodland realm is the sacred gift of the Goddess and God, and should never be misused or abused.
And this is the Law of the Power of Magick of the woodland realm.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.