Abilities Spell


7 White candles
Mint Incense (or clove)


Often when one does not use their divine given abilities enough they become snuffed out or muted. This spell rite helps to re-awaken those muted abilities.

Spell Casting

Invoke your gods as you see fit to your belief or Pantheon. Divinities such as Bast, Hekate, Cerridwen and other such "witch" associated gods are best. Never invoke a divinity you are not associated with.

Light the incense first and use it not only as an offering but also as a stimulant to awaken you body.

Start off by invoking the gods you called, to help you with the spell, in your own words. Tell them why you are doing this rite and ask for their help.

Light the first candle. Place your hands about it, draw in its energy and say:

"Powers of the earth, to you I call,
I ask you to enhance my abilities, one and all,
Powers of rock and tree, plant and ground
You and I now be bound."

Light the second candle and, with hands about it chant:

"Powers of the air, to you I call,
I ask you to enhance my abilities, one and all,
Power of wind and voice, storm and sky
We are now as one. So says I"

Light the third candle and, with hands about it chant:

"Powers of the fire, to you I call,
I ask you to enhance my abilities, one and all,
Power of flame and soot, ash and fire
Give my abilities the power I desire."

Light the forth candle and, with hands about it chant:

"Powers of the water, to you I call,
I ask you to enhance my abilities, one and all,
Power of the sea and stream, pond and river
Awaken on my powers, make them shiver."

Light the fifth candle and, with hands about it chant:

"Powers of the soul, to you I call,
I ask you to enhance my abilities, one and all,
Powers of being, direction and soul,
Awaken my powers and make them bold."

Light the sixth candle and, with hands about it chant:

"Powers of the spirit, to you I call,
I ask you to enhance my abilities, one and all,
Powers of the divine, Gods and Fae
Enhance my abilities and adhere them to stay."

Light the seventh candle and, with hands about it chant:

"Powers of balance, to you I call,
I ask you to enhance my abilities, one and all,
Power of creation and force, balance and laws.
Enhance and awake my abilities, this is my cause."

Now sit and meditate in the basking candle light on what abilities you wish to regain or enhance. See yourself in the near future and how you will use these abilities. See your abilities as closed flower buds, now bursting open and spreading out like fire works, invigorating your body. At the same time, continue breathing in the scent of the incense.

End by thanking the gods. Let the candles burn out as well as the incense. If you plan to continue this spell for the next several days (And I suggest you do) then blow out the candles and use them again the next day. You may also wish to burn more incense throughout the house to help invigorate yourself and energy in the house. Mint, Clove, Orange and Lemon are best for such things as they have a zing to get things going. You may even want to have a tea made of one of these foods in the day.

This spell-rite is used ritually by the Autumn Wood, my clan, when things get a bit hazed down by mundane life.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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