Simple Wish


Fireproof item(metal tray, sand..etc)
Writing Utensil
Specific wishes(you need to be as specific as possible)


You need to have a fireproof item to burn the paper on. Now I recommend those bound to secrecy go outside so no one smells the smoke.

Spell Casting

Now on the paper draw a circle that almost takes up the page but leave room so you can draw the symbols of the elements outside the circle where they belong. Draw a pentacle in the circle as but as the circle with the symbols on the outside of the circle. I have a in my a album How its done it's the drawn pentacle with the circle around it. Now that you have all that put the paper on a fireproof item and burn it completley. Take the ashes and throw them into the air and say



"It is done."



and there you go . Hope this helps and message me if you have Any complications.
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