Charm Spell


One white candle
Mint leaves
The object you want to be charmed (if possible little things that are wearable or easy to carry)
A little bowl of fresh water
Mind's Concentration
Some salt
Your Voice


An ordinary spell that can bring you luck and protection

Spell Casting

1. Take a little bowl of water and put some salt
2. Then put the thing you want in the bowl (don't put on too long, just maybe 10 seconds
3. If you want the charm for protection, just say :
Dear Powers powers of the earth
Listen to me! Listen to my wish
Gather your powers , Gather your magic!
Give me protection ! Give me protection
Store the protection in (the thing)
As I will so mote it be
(Note: if you want to be lucky charm, just change the protection words into lucky and or luckiest, Want it both in one charm? It's possible)
4.Rub it with some mint leaves
Carry your charm everywhere to give you luckiest and or protection

It works for me, but vary for you
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.