Magically Charging a Piece of Jewelry


Piece of jewelry


If you are to use a piece of jewelry for a spell, charging it could be useful.

Spell Casting

Take the object you wish to charge (only the object that you feel require the energy of lightning, such as those used for protection, healing, and so on) outside and place them in a spot where they are safe of the possibility of being washed away by the storm, but sill fully exposed to the rain and such. Do not place it on a roof, statue or other structure. You can tie them to a tree, or place them in a container. Make sure they are safe during the charging process. Chant:

"Charge my beloved jewelry up, ensure its safety and make it full of magical energy!!"

After the storm has passed, take it inside, dry carefully, and place it somewhere safe for 24 hours. It should be fully charged and possibly vibrating with energy.
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