Saturn Talisman of Protection


White A4 Paper
element representations
Chosen circle casting equipment
Black pen
Ref. table/symbols of saturn
Sandwitch bag or clingfilm
Stapler or Sellotape
1 Cinnamon stick or ground
1 Star Anise


This my method on how to make a protection talisman using the planetary influences of Planet Saturn.

Spell Casting

For this Talisman, were are going to include the planetary influences, so that when you are making this talisman, it should be during the hour of Saturn. It doesn't necessarily have to be made on the day of Saturn (Saturday) though it would be better, but it must made during the hour of Saturn.

It is also a good idea to make this either on the Waning or New moon.

1: The first thing you should do, is make a small herb parcel to go inside the Talisman.

for this break up cinnamon stick and the star anise into the sandwich bag, and maybe add a teaspoon each of Basil and Mint it's up to you. When you are handling the herbs, your mind should be full of the intention of protection.

Wrap up the herbs in the clingfilm or sandwich bag and secure with staples or sellotape and spend a few moments focussing on Planet Saturn and the intention of protection.

2: Next take the A4 sheet of paper and fold it in half length-ways before folding it into thirds. Now insert one flap into the other and make a small fold at the opening and you have now made the envelope that your packet will go in.

3: Now it is time to draw the table and symbols.

On the side opposite the flaps, you should draw the Table of Saturn (You should be able to Google search it easily enough).

Right above the table you should write a 3, to right of the table you should write a 9, to the left of the table you should writ a 15 and right below the table, you should write a 45.

Also write your name (Or whoever the talisman is for) and the astrological symbol of Saturn.

Now flip the talisman over to the other side. Here you should draw the Astrological sign of Saturn, the Seal of Saturn and the Intelligence Sigil of Saturn.

And your Talisman is now drawn.

4: Now your ready to charge the talisman. First clear a space and cast a circle, during which you will set your element representation at each corresponding direction; for me I use corresponding crystals.

The first task is ti charge the Table of Saturn. To do this, visualize yourself drawing up the energy from the Earth Energy, through your body and out your fingers. Draw your right index over each line, horizontal and vertical, and imagine that you are packing energy into each line. Next point your finger at each number on the table and let your energy flow into each one.

Next flip over your talisman and do this same with all of the signs by drawing over the lines and packing energy into them

Remember to focus on Saturn and the intent of Protection as well.

5: Now the final step is to consecrate your Talisman. i do this by holding my talisman over each representation and asking that element to bless and charge my talisman of protection. I always start with North (Earth) and work my way around clockwise.

When you are finished hold your Talisman up to the sky and imagine Saturn's energy beaming down and filling your talisman, while focussing on the intent of protection.
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