The Crush Spell


An alter
A wand (optional)
Two pink candles/tealights
A lighter/matches
A pieceof paper which has been decorated to suit your crush (leave a space in the middle for their name)
A pink ribbon
Scented rose petals
A mortar and pestle
A bowl of rainwater
An empty bowl
A watersprayer
A sieve
A pink or red ink pen
An item to symbolise your crush
(it must be small and easy to carry around)


This spell is for all of the people out there who have a crush and just can't bring themselves to ask their crush out.

Spell Casting

Set up your alter allowing you to face North. (Ensure there is space to work)
Put the watersprayer, lighter and spare bowl on the floor but not causing a trip hazard
Ensure that you won't be disturbed or distracted
Cast a circle
To cast the spell:
Light the candles and say "These lights of love draw you in. Now my spell can begin."
Using the pink or red pen write your crushes full name onto the paper and say'(your crushes name) X2 I draw you in. In my love we will sing."
Roll up the paper and secure it with the ribbon.
Using the pestle and mortar crush the rose petals.
Add the petals to the rainwater and then leave the petalsto soak for a minute.
Sieve out the petals pouring the water into the spare bowl and putting the petals into the first bowl.
Place the tip of your wand/index finger into the water and draw a heart on the symbolic item then say "I infuse your soul with love for me (crushes name) X2 come to me."
Pour the rosewater into the sprayer and spray a tiny amount onto the paper.
Say "I seal your soul to mine in hope that love in me you will find."
Remove the ribbon and burn the paper. Say "Love in me you will find we are joined by soul and mind.
Put out the candles.
Say "I'll put an end to this love spell and if I have cast it well then soon you will find we are joinedbyby spirit and mind."
After the spell:
Open the circle
Carry around the symbolic item until you feel them falling for you.
Every day for a week burn a pink candle for ten minutes

That is the end of this spell
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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