Casting and Closing a Magic Circle


1 athame
1 altar cloth
Sea salt
1 besom


This spell opens and closes a magic circle. These should be done before and after every ritual involving one.

Spell Casting

Opening a Magic Circle
Smooth an altar cloth out over a flat surface. If you are opening a white magic circle, trace the circle in a clockwise (or 'deosil') motion, then draw the pentagram within, starting from the north point. If you are opening a black magic circle, trace the circle in a counter-clockwise (or 'widdershins') motion, then draw the inverted pentagram within, starting from the south point.

Hold your power (writing) hand palm-open over the circle and direct your magical potential into it. Imagine the lines of the circle glowing in a color corresponding to its intent (white light for white magic, red light for black magic, etc.).

Closing a Magic Circle
Hold your power (writing) hand palm-open over the circle and command the flow of magical energy to cease. Imagine the light you visualized earlier snuffing out like a candle flame or a barely-still-burning charcoal.

Sprinkle sea salt in a clockwise rotation over the altar cloth with your power hand.Use your besom (or broom) to clean your altar cloth, thereby literally and metaphorically sweeping any leftover magic away.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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