The Underclass Revenge


One Mature Ivy Leaf
Flowers of a Dandelion
(not clocked)
Flowers of a Daisy
Horse Hair (or Red Thread)
A Needle
The Targets Name on a Label


Do this spell if you have been wronged or injured by those who have some sort of control over you.

Spell Casting

This spell has to be done alone. Find a Quiet Corner and sit.
Direct your will and focus on the Target and the Wrong or Injury you have suffered. Visualise this happening to them.

Take the Ivy Leaf and sew the two sides together with Horse Hair.
Fill the pocket created, with Dandelion and Daisy Flowers.
Add the Label.

Take 3 Deep Breaths.

Carefully fold the top of the Ivy Leaf down over the pocket and sew to make secure. (All 3 sides now meet)

This pocket you bury deep as deep as your spade will go.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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