Rapid Hair Growth Spray


Spray bottle
1 bowl of water
1 table spoon of growth oil
1/4 cup of dirt
1 small cloth
1 empty bowl


A spray that makes your hair grow rapidly.

Spell Casting

To measure the water, Take your bottle and fill it up 75% ful. then pour it in the bowl. Sprinkle the dirt in the water while chanting:

"Within this dirt is magic seeds,
Way to small for me to see,
What my hair needs
To grow rapidly"

Add the growth oil and chant:

"With the oil I do now see
My hair growing rapidly
Faster then those nasty weeds,
Now mote it be."

Now take the cloth and out it over the bowl. Drain the water in another bowl. Now put the water into the bottle and shake it well. You can use this once or twice a day.

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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